Meet Tabitha James Kraan, The Organic Hairdresser. 

After 30 years of working with hair, I know that it performs best when nurtured by nature. With this as my starting point, I set out to deliver the best quality, high performance organic and natural professional haircare.

Aside from our own wellbeing, I always consider the protection of the planet in any products that I create. Cosmetics do the most damage to the environment when they’re washed away down our sinks, as harmful chemicals, that don’t break down, accumulate in our ecosystem. I was born into an “Organic” home, when organic just meant growing your own pesticide free vegetables and rearing livestock….. a big change from the 21st Century!

From a young age all I wanted to be was an hair artist. Determined to be the best, I fully immersed myself into training with the brightest talents of the time, most notably Vidal Sassoon and neighbouring London academies, absorbing as much information as possible. I opened my first salon in 1993, setting out to create a salon with a city feel that catered for the needs of the entrepreneurs and pioneers living in the area. I did this with the help of the Princes youth business trust; they were a wonderful support towards getting my ideas of the ground. Whilst pregnant with my first child in 1999, I had a light bulb moment. Following a conversation with my midwife I was enlightened to the fact that what I was putting onto my body, would be passed on to my unborn child. If this was what I was exposing my body, and my child to, undoubtedly it was also putting my salon clients at risk. I had to find better ways to work and my salon strives to achieve this by being educated about colour and by using our own hair care to educate our salon guests on how to care for their hair naturally.

From then on the Tabitha James Kraan brand underwent a complete reinvention. From salon haircare, to recyclable and sustainable hardware, I remodelled my practices to reflect my new outlook.

I wanted to show the world how easy, effective and satisfying it is to lead a natural and organic life, thus heralding the beginning of a new era in my career as I rebranded and reopened my now pioneering organic salon in the Cotswolds; the first of it’s kind. As my knowledge and experience of organic products progressed I became frustrated not being able to find pure products I wanted to work with, to get the best out of hair naturally. Then came the big step… I decided to make them myself! Tabitha James Kraan Organic products came into existence in 2013. After extensive performance testing in the salon with my loyal and devoted clients they were officially launched to the world in April 2015. We haven’t looked back! Developed to protect the naturally recurring oils and rejuvenate hair and scalp health, I took my love of all things organic to a new level. My range of professional products are set to revolutionise the market with their very high content of certified organic ingredients. My intention will always be to deliver the cleanest possible options for hair care with professional performance and delicious scents. My organic and natural products will nourish and feed your hair, and won’t harm the planet. Although I admit to being a self-confessed hair geek, my life doesn’t just revolve around hair….. As a mother of two wonderful grown up boys, a keen equestrian, an owner of a young labrador, a businesswoman and a hands-on organic hairdresser I’m always busy. However nothing comes second in my life so the passion and belief in what I’m doing is so important, I use my time emersed in nature with my animals as well as meditiation to keep me calm and balanced. I truly believe that nature offers us all of the answers in life, we just need to be still with it and notice, a practice that I try to develop all of the time. Thank you for following me on my journey.