Give detergent the chop.

Let's evolve the story of hair care – from one that’s addicted to synthetic products – to one that champions organic formulas that reconnect us with our body’s intelligence and work in harmony with nature.

As a Soil Association COSMOS Organic, Award-winning brand (Best Hair Care Brand Boom Awards), we work with nature and use sustainably sourced organic ingredients from plants and flowers. We say no to chemicals, liquid plastics, parabens and harsh detergents. Our Organic hair care range is deeply nourishing for you and your hair, whilst protecting wildlife and soil biodiversity.

Did you know 9 out of 10 beauty products contain liquid plastic? (Plastic Soup Foundation)

This Plastic Free July, it's important to highlight the problems with micro plastics in beauty and hair care products. Each year 3800 tonnes of micro plastics are released into the environment through the use of everyday cosmetics and care products in Europe.

Plastic emulsions and silicones are present in conventional hair care products, to create a more customer-pleasing feel, fake shine and slip to the hair - this has created untold pollution not to mention the devastating absorption of those plastics into our bodies. 

Ditch the plastic emulsion

We don't notice how harsh the ingredients are in the traditional hair products we use because nanoplastics – liquid plastic in the formula – are added to buffer how the ingredients feel. 

You’d be surprised how common they still are, despite being told otherwise. 

Nanoplastics make the hair feel softer, smoother and easier to comb. They put a film on the hair, which makes it shinier, gives it a nice reflection and increases manageability. 

But, of course, it's fake and temporary. 

Essentially it’s pure plastic coating the hair, which starts to build up over time and causes all sorts of other problems, like the hair becoming brittle and breaking more easily, splitting at the ends – and colour not taking or holding well.

When the ingredients we use are absorbed through the scalp, including these nanoplastics, they affect the natural function of the body, which deregulates the hormonal balance. Every hair sits in the follicle, a bulb, which has a blood supply to it. This is a two-way channel.  What we put on the scalp is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. 

There’s also the issue of the same nanoplastics going down the sink and into the water courses. These molecules are so tiny they can’t be filtered out. Therefore, when it comes back through the tap, we drink in all those particles of nanoplastic too.

For me organic is a given and crucial for biodiversity and our future. This is not to be underestimated choosing to support organic products supports organic farming, simple!  This supports biodiversity and protects our soil for future generations. Your choices really do make a difference 💚

Performance - You need products that work, we (the hairdressers) also need products that work - we succeeded in creating products that change the game and reveal beautiful hair whilst protecting your health and wellbeing as well as that of the planet.  This win-win situation exemplifies the innovative approach of hair care professionals towards creating a sustainable and responsible product line.💚

*Soil Association Beauty explain the key reasons why COSMOS-certified organic products are better for the planet: 

When you opt for certified organic products, you’re casting a vote for companies that can make a world of difference for people, planet and wildlife too. 

Organic health and beauty standards – better for the planet:

The ingredients in certified organic health and beauty products are grown in a way that’s designed to respect nature, and enhance the health of our planet.

Organic farming is all about closing the loop - making use of what’s to hand, limiting the amount of imported resources and working with nature. The result? Healthy and fertile soils, reduced risk of pollution from chemicals, and on average, less energy use too.

Packaging: is a big part of organic health and beauty standards. Businesses must have a plan to reduce the environmental impact of their packaging, throughout a product’s life cycle. COSMOS standards require minimal packaging with maximum recycled and recyclable content and has a list of accepted and banned materials to help guide companies' decisions.

Manufacturing: Organic standards also consider the waste produced at the manufacturing stage. Businesses must have an environmental management plan in place, to ensure as much waste as possible is reduced, reused or recycled, and non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products must be used at the manufacturing site too. 

No artificial fertilisers are used in organic agriculture: These energy-intensive chemicals are derived from fossil fuels, and their manufacture contributes to global warming. Instead organic farmers build fertility in their soils naturally, using manure from local livestock, and natural fertilisers, like compost and woodchip. 

Healthier soils: Soil is a really important tool in the fight against climate change – there’s currently 2.5 billion tonnes of carbon stored in soil around the world! Taking good care of soil is at the heart of organic farming. By nourishing them and reducing soil erosion, organic soils can become up to 25% more effective at storing carbon from the atmosphere.

Protection for vulnerable plants: Organic standards take care to protect any endangered plant species – and ingredients sourced for organic products must respect the requirements of the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). 

Green Chemistry: COSMOS organic standards are based on the principle of green chemistry, throughout the manufacture and life cycle of a product. In short, green chemistry means working to avoid and eliminate the use of hazardous, toxic and non-bio-degradable substances, especially where sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives exist.

Organic beauty and wellbeing – better for wildlife:

Did you know that, on average, plant, insect and bird life is 50% more abundant on organic farms? In the face of widespread decline in biodiversity, the role these nature-friendly farms can play in restoring wildlife populations is vital.

The reason why organic farms are such havens for wildlife include:   

  • Fewer pesticides: Pesticides are cited as one of the major drivers of insect decline, particularly pollinators, like bees. Pesticide use in organic farming only happens as a last resort, and under very restricted circumstances. Instead, farmers must create a balanced ecosystem on their farms, where pests are controlled through natural means. 
  • Nature-friendly habitats: For every 10% increase in bee-friendly habitats - like that found on organic farms - bee numbers and diversity increases by over a third! Organic farming is a form of agroecology – which means working with nature to farm your crops. As a result, organic farms are much more likely to have nature-friendly habitats on their land, like hedges and trees (known as agroforestry), beetle banks in field margins, and wild areas for nature to thrive. 
  • Cleaner water for wildlife: As well as being energy-intensive to produce, the nitrogen fertilisers used in conventional farming can create ‘dead zones’ when they run off fields and into waterways, reducing the amount of oxygen in rivers and seas. This nitrogen pollution can kill fish and other aquatic life. Organic standards ban the use of these manufactured fertilisers, significantly lowering the risk of pollution. 

Organic beauty standards ban the use of controversial chemicals  

Organic standards follow the 'precautionary principle'. This means that when there is scientific evidence that an ingredient, technology or process might pose a health or environmental risk, they will not be allowed, especially as many natural and eco-friendly alternatives to these products often already exist. 

For this reason, a number of controversial chemicals often be found in health and beauty products, like parabens and phthalates, and synthetic colourings, dyes or fragrances are not permitted in certified organic products.

And testing on animals is not allowed... 

Testing beauty and wellbeing ingredients or finished products on animals is not permitted under the COSMOS organic or natural standards

The only animal products permitted in COSMOS organic products are ones that are naturally produced by them, such as milk, honey and beeswax - no ingredients extracted from living or dead animals are allowed. 

*This article is from Soil Association Beauty - find out more here. 




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